Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sprituality; The First Main Ingredient to Success

A couple of days ago, I mentioned three main ingredients that when brought together, are guaranteed to yield success. In the coming days and weeks, we will be looking at each of these ingredients in depth.
So, without saying too much, let's get right into the nitty gritty and start the ball rolling with SPIRITUALITY and how it can help a person become successful.

I've come to realize that we are all spiritual. Being spiritual does not mean that you have to be religious. As a matter of fact, spirituality in its true sense supersedes all religions. without going into mysticism or metaphysics, let look at a few spiritual practices are will guarantee success in your life:

No one has ever become successful without having faith in his own ability to be what he imagined.
Faith is defined in the Bible as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
All the success people the universe has produced has unwavering faith in their abilities, and in the power of that unseen, whatever they chose to call it, to make the dreams and desires come true.

An entrepreneur, I cannot tell you enough how important it is to cultivate a strong sense of faith in that power which is more than you are. Whether you call it God, Universe, Buddha, or Guardian Angel, just have faith in something. In Napoleon Hill's think and Grow Rich, the principle if faith is spoken off. All those featured in the YES movie talked about belief. As Mariah Carey sings, "There can be miracles when you believe"

Meditation involves the process of quieting one's mind. Millions of dollars have been made out of ideas generated out of the quietness of people's minds. The process of meditation is safe and can be practices by any one no matter your religious background. There are various forms of meditation out there, each one unique in some ways of the other. Depending on a person's background and/or source of information, s/he may feel more comfortable with one form or another. In the end, what matters is that you gain control of you mind and allow it to relax.

Here is one method that I've found to be simple and works well for me:

Find a quiet place where you would not be disturbed.
Begin taking some deep breaths. As you breath from your abdomen rather than your chest deeply but slowly, bring your whole attention to you nostrils.
Feel the air entering your nose. Is it cool, is it warm? Could you imagine a taste to associate with it?
Focus on nothing else but you breathing while your eyes are closed.

After doing this for about 2 or 3 minutes, begin allowing your attention to just sift through. At first try, it may be difficult but with practice you will become perfect. You will be able to bring your mind to complete quietness where no thoughts linger at all. When you've become good at this, the third and equally important practice will be more effective.

Visual Feelings The moment you become really clear headed, you now give yourself the chance to create the world that you desire. You can then begin to imagine the life you want and feel the feelings associated with that life.

Some may argue that this is not a spiritual practice; but I disagree, When a person can be at peace with him/herself up to the point where he creates a completely different world in his mind, that is about as spiritual as it gets. In the moment of visual imaginations and feelings, that person becomes a god for himself. He can say "let there be this" and it becomes instantaneously.

My research has led me to discovering a great human ability that is probably the most powerful ability so far - the ability to have Lucid Dreams. Lucid dreams are those dreams where you are aware that you're dreaming. You then become aware of the power to do anything. Absolutely anything. With nothing more than a thought, you can make things appear in you "reality" of the dream. I urge you to do some research of your own on the topic of Lucid dreaming. One amazing Novel I read a month ago portrays the power of Lucid dreaming like non other. It's called Transmissions of a White Dragon
by Tully Burkan of the Firewalking Institute of Research and Education. You can grab a free copy visiting the institutes website:

There you have it. I hope I've had some sort of an impact on your life today.

Till next time,

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