Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spirituality, Love and Service - The Guaranteed Ingredients for Success

Think about it:

Has there ever been a successful person who did not believe and/or have faith in a power greater than him/herself?

Has there ever been a successful who did not feel the emotion of love- whether for a spouse, girl friend, mother, father or siblings, or even for one's self?

Has there ever been a successful person who did not make him/her self serviceable by creating or distributing a product of value?

My guess is that you answer to the three question will be the same: NO.
Every successful person I've studies so far, and I'm studying quite a few, had something they believed in. an unseen force on whom they relied for inspiration. they had faith. Whether you call it God, the Universe, Allah, or whatever else; it does not matter as much as to have that something to believe and have faith it.

When a person is in love, certain emotions swell with him; those emotion, tied with the emotions of feeling of gratitude, faith and desire can make him UNSTOPPABLE

No matter what you choose to do, be it singing, writing, designing or preaching. The end result you seek must be to deliver more in use value than you take in cash value. By doing this, you would have been of great service to you customers and the rest of the world. By Law, you success is sure. Doubt it?
try studying guys like Bruce Barton, Neville Goddard, Wallace Wattles, Walker William Atkinson, and you will see for you self.

till Next time,

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