Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is brain drain really going to be an issue for Africa?

There are a number of publications out there that warn of severe brain drain on the continent of Africa by 2018. Quite recently, the government of Liberia sited brain drain as a major issue facing the reconstruction efforts, after facing 14 years of civil unrest. My reaction to these claims has been mixed; however we will come to that later.

By reading this blog right now, you affirm your interest in what Africa can become; and may be already aware that if we relax our efforts on the issues (however real they are), they may come to haunt us.

Coming back to my mixed reactions:- I am a strong believer in personal responsibility; thus I tend to look at every situation closely before forming an opinion.
  • Could it be that these cries of brain drain, brain drain are actually a good thing?
  • Is there anything positive that can come out of the fact that Africa is loosing most of its well educated and talented people to western countries?
  • Or is every thing just dark and gloomy as we look ahead?
  • Is brain drain really an issue for Africa?
  • Is Africa really what is appears to be- a continent always on the lookout for aide, a continent of desperation, or is it just a product of what the majority of the sons and daughters of the continent have thought?
I think these questions are really worth taking seriously. If not for any reason, it should be because of the universal which causes us to attract that which we focus on most of the time. We should rather be focusing on attracting and retaining capacity, rather than being scared to our pants that the continent is loosing. We should focus on bringing the young generation up to the level of consciousness and awareness where they realize that there are as much opportunities on the continent of Africa as, if not more than, there are in the west. We should explore options that will allow talented young African to see these opportunities.

If the Chinese, Indians, and Americans are increasing their presence on the continent, doesn't that tell us something? Shouldn't we be trying to find out what it is that's attracting them to the continent, and than figure out how we as owners of the land can benefit from it?

To every African out there: As Harsh said to Todd in Brendon Buchard's Life's Golden Ticket,
"Quit being a chickenshit, and be a man" (or woman). Begin to look at what the continent has, and not what it is loosing. See the glass half full rather than half empty. Do it, and I promise you, the issue of brain drain on the continent of Africa, will be an issue of the past.

Here are a few links on the issue of brain drain in Africa:

Catch you next time!

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