Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love: The Second main Ingredient to Guaranteed Success

Recently I did a lecture on personal identity. This lecture was presented to members of my church and they loved it. During the lecture, I showed how the identities we held of ourselves made all the difference in the world. we talked about God and how His nature related to ours - How we were in fact, HIM. Before you head begin spinning Here is the excerpt from the portion on Love. It's all about assuming the identity of God.

Assuming the Godlike identity of which I speak may not be the easiest thing to do; the moment you assume that identity, your life is never the same. You become renewed in the spirit of your mind:
Eph. 4:23.

You already have the identity of God attributed to you; what now is left is for you to become aware of, and live that identity. When you become aware, you experience total renewal of your mind. You thinking processes become different forever: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: Old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” - 2nd Corinthians 5:17 (KJV). To live the identity of God, you must exhibit the characteristics of God; you must understand the nature of God: LOVE

God is Love. While it is not within the scope of this book to discuss the types of Love, it is wise to mention here that the love of which I speak is unconditional love. The love that Paul spoke about in his 1st letter to the Corinthians. “Love is Patient, Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” 1st Corinthians 13: 4-7 (NIV) That is the nature of the love of God. As you’ve become aware, this now should be the nature of your love.

To live this characteristic of love, you must begin by first loving yourself, just as you are. How can God be unhappy or for a stronger term, angry with himself as He is? Granted, you may not like certain aspects of your physical body but that’s ok. What you have to realize is the body is only the frame
(vehicle) that carries you; it is not you. You are NOT your body; thus, you body is under your control. You must love yourself so that you are enabled to follow though on aspects like your body, which you would like to make changes on.

I once heard a story of a very motivated young man. Life had dealt him what he thought was a few unpleasant hands. Things were not just going the way he had thought they would at the time. Amidst all that, this young man was determined to make the most of whatever hand hew had been dealt. He was willing to make whatever sacrifices he needed to make in order to accomplish the goals he had set for himself.

This Young man charted out, to the letter, what he thought his ideal wife would look like. After facing yet another inspiring challenge in his life, he saw himself becoming close friends with someone who had but 40% of the qualities and characteristics of his ideal miss. The friendship grew stronger to a point of affection. This affection (love) became stronger to the point that it blinded him to her flaws but opened his eye to possibilities- to what she could become. He abandoned all efforts trying to find someone that met his charts, and focused on making her fit the chart His eyes has since remained opened, and with the look of things, he’s ever glad he made the decision to abandon further quests.

Like he young man, you must realize that you are all that you have to work with. Your body, no matter what it looks like to you, is what you’ve got. You had better start falling in love with it as it is, and then begin the path to making it look the way you would want it to look like.

The may be other things about yourself that you may not be happy with. You have to acknowledge them, and yet come to terms with loving yourself in spite of everything. Maybe it’s a habit as smoking, or excessive drinking. Maybe it’s procrastination, maybe its gluttony. Whatever it is, say to yourself: Despite these things I STILL LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF. I REALIZE THAT I AM NOT THESE HABITS, AND I CAN CHANGE THEM BEGINNING NOW!

With true love for yourself, you will watch what enters and comes out of your mouth; ensuring that those things resonate with the identity you’re now forming of yourself.

Once you have come around to loving yourself unconditionally, then you will be on tract to extending the love of God, your love to your Neighbor. Who is your neighbor, and how do you love him/her? Jesus Christ, in the parable of the Good Samaritan showed us who a neighbor is. If you are not familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan, I encourage you to read Saint Luke 10: 25-37 in the Holy Bible.

Basically, your neighbor is anyone who you see. All those you ride with on the while on your way to work or school are your neighbors. The guy you see across the street is your neighbor.
The guy who owns the shop three houses down where you buy your milk and coffee is you neighbor.

How do you love your neighbor? That is simple.
Love your neighbor as you love you self. If you truly love you neighbor as you love yourself, you will not criticize him, you will not speak in any negative manner of him when he errs. You will not envy him. If a person loves his neighbor with the love of God, he will treat that neighbor with the same measure of respect as he would treat himself.

With Love comes compassion: that which drives you to show mercy and to forgive. Again, 1st Corinthians 13 reminds us that Love sees no wrong. Your identity as one who has the nature of God is to be merciful and forgives ALL who offend you, including yourself.

The God you ought to be like is a God with plenty of mercy and forgiveness. He’s a God that extends mercy to all; a God that is forgiving. This too, my friend is how you must be if you are to live the identity of God.

The above excerpt is from an upcoming book that I'm working on. Please keep watching for info on when the book will be available to the the world.


Sprituality; The First Main Ingredient to Success

A couple of days ago, I mentioned three main ingredients that when brought together, are guaranteed to yield success. In the coming days and weeks, we will be looking at each of these ingredients in depth.
So, without saying too much, let's get right into the nitty gritty and start the ball rolling with SPIRITUALITY and how it can help a person become successful.

I've come to realize that we are all spiritual. Being spiritual does not mean that you have to be religious. As a matter of fact, spirituality in its true sense supersedes all religions. without going into mysticism or metaphysics, let look at a few spiritual practices are will guarantee success in your life:

No one has ever become successful without having faith in his own ability to be what he imagined.
Faith is defined in the Bible as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
All the success people the universe has produced has unwavering faith in their abilities, and in the power of that unseen, whatever they chose to call it, to make the dreams and desires come true.

An entrepreneur, I cannot tell you enough how important it is to cultivate a strong sense of faith in that power which is more than you are. Whether you call it God, Universe, Buddha, or Guardian Angel, just have faith in something. In Napoleon Hill's think and Grow Rich, the principle if faith is spoken off. All those featured in the YES movie talked about belief. As Mariah Carey sings, "There can be miracles when you believe"

Meditation involves the process of quieting one's mind. Millions of dollars have been made out of ideas generated out of the quietness of people's minds. The process of meditation is safe and can be practices by any one no matter your religious background. There are various forms of meditation out there, each one unique in some ways of the other. Depending on a person's background and/or source of information, s/he may feel more comfortable with one form or another. In the end, what matters is that you gain control of you mind and allow it to relax.

Here is one method that I've found to be simple and works well for me:

Find a quiet place where you would not be disturbed.
Begin taking some deep breaths. As you breath from your abdomen rather than your chest deeply but slowly, bring your whole attention to you nostrils.
Feel the air entering your nose. Is it cool, is it warm? Could you imagine a taste to associate with it?
Focus on nothing else but you breathing while your eyes are closed.

After doing this for about 2 or 3 minutes, begin allowing your attention to just sift through. At first try, it may be difficult but with practice you will become perfect. You will be able to bring your mind to complete quietness where no thoughts linger at all. When you've become good at this, the third and equally important practice will be more effective.

Visual Feelings The moment you become really clear headed, you now give yourself the chance to create the world that you desire. You can then begin to imagine the life you want and feel the feelings associated with that life.

Some may argue that this is not a spiritual practice; but I disagree, When a person can be at peace with him/herself up to the point where he creates a completely different world in his mind, that is about as spiritual as it gets. In the moment of visual imaginations and feelings, that person becomes a god for himself. He can say "let there be this" and it becomes instantaneously.

My research has led me to discovering a great human ability that is probably the most powerful ability so far - the ability to have Lucid Dreams. Lucid dreams are those dreams where you are aware that you're dreaming. You then become aware of the power to do anything. Absolutely anything. With nothing more than a thought, you can make things appear in you "reality" of the dream. I urge you to do some research of your own on the topic of Lucid dreaming. One amazing Novel I read a month ago portrays the power of Lucid dreaming like non other. It's called Transmissions of a White Dragon
by Tully Burkan of the Firewalking Institute of Research and Education. You can grab a free copy visiting the institutes website:

There you have it. I hope I've had some sort of an impact on your life today.

Till next time,

Spirituality, Love and Service - The Guaranteed Ingredients for Success

Think about it:

Has there ever been a successful person who did not believe and/or have faith in a power greater than him/herself?

Has there ever been a successful who did not feel the emotion of love- whether for a spouse, girl friend, mother, father or siblings, or even for one's self?

Has there ever been a successful person who did not make him/her self serviceable by creating or distributing a product of value?

My guess is that you answer to the three question will be the same: NO.
Every successful person I've studies so far, and I'm studying quite a few, had something they believed in. an unseen force on whom they relied for inspiration. they had faith. Whether you call it God, the Universe, Allah, or whatever else; it does not matter as much as to have that something to believe and have faith it.

When a person is in love, certain emotions swell with him; those emotion, tied with the emotions of feeling of gratitude, faith and desire can make him UNSTOPPABLE

No matter what you choose to do, be it singing, writing, designing or preaching. The end result you seek must be to deliver more in use value than you take in cash value. By doing this, you would have been of great service to you customers and the rest of the world. By Law, you success is sure. Doubt it?
try studying guys like Bruce Barton, Neville Goddard, Wallace Wattles, Walker William Atkinson, and you will see for you self.

till Next time,

The Power of Subliminal Programming

Until very recently, I had not been the one to speak enthusiastically about Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, or other forms of subliminal message transfers. I guess this was chiefly due to the fact that I had little knowledge on either of the topics.

In the last 2 or so weeks, I've probably spent about 50 hours reading whatever I could lay my hands on to read, watching whatever I could get my eyes to watch. This interest arose in me when I visit Joe Vitale's website, If you do not know who Joe is, I suggest you checkout the site for yourself. He was featured in the movie, The Secret. Anyway, as I was saying, the name if Joe's company is Hypnotic Marketing Institute. He also wrote a book called the Hypnotic Writing Course. I could not help but notice the key word, Hypnotic. I then decided to do a little bit more in terms of understanding the word. I figured if nothing else, I'll learn a thing or two; and boy have I been learning!

My quest understand why Joe sued the word Hypnotic in the name of his company had led me to discovering some of the world's great minds like:

Dr. Wayne Dryer
Edward G. Jones
Paul Scheele
Dick Sutphen
Win Wenger and many others.

So what is Subliminal Programming and how does it affect the young entrepreneur?
In my little research so far, here's what I've come to learn:

Subliminal programming involves the transfer of information directly to your subconscious mind.
Because all that we do is directed from our subconscious programming, getting a person to change they way s/he does something is as easy as getting that person's subconscious mind to change the way it understands something to be done.

There are various forms of subliminal programing like, Hypnosis, NLP, Gestalt therapy, paraliminal sessions, etc. There are all effective tools, but each one may be more effective for a person than the others. I may not be in the position right now to really differentiate the various forms of subliminal programming but do know this; THEY WORK

During my research so far, I've been able to obtain a copy of Dick Sutphen's program, Goals, Commitment and Success. This hour or so long audio program is something that I found to be a master piece- in my own life at the very least.

A challenge I'd always faced in the past was the commitment to stick to my goals and action plans.
After listening to this program for about 6 days, It occurred to me that I was actually, for the first time in my adult life actually following through, with zeal, on goals I had goals and activities I had set for myself.
By listening to the audio program which will got me sleeping in the first 20 minutes no matter how had I tried to stay awake, my subconscious mind was receiving messages such has "you are a self confident winner, you stay committed to activities that head you closer and closer to your goals". Again, these messages have always hit me when my conscious mind was relaxed and sleepy; yet, the change has become evident all over me. It shows.

There are countless other who may had positive results by using mind programming tool, are you one ?
If you've an experience with Subliminal programming tools, please share your experience by leaving comments.

Did you know that Tony Robins spent time studying NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Gestalt therapy and other forms of subliminal programming?

You might want to checkout this site which talks about delivering subliminal messages through video .

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is brain drain really going to be an issue for Africa?

There are a number of publications out there that warn of severe brain drain on the continent of Africa by 2018. Quite recently, the government of Liberia sited brain drain as a major issue facing the reconstruction efforts, after facing 14 years of civil unrest. My reaction to these claims has been mixed; however we will come to that later.

By reading this blog right now, you affirm your interest in what Africa can become; and may be already aware that if we relax our efforts on the issues (however real they are), they may come to haunt us.

Coming back to my mixed reactions:- I am a strong believer in personal responsibility; thus I tend to look at every situation closely before forming an opinion.
  • Could it be that these cries of brain drain, brain drain are actually a good thing?
  • Is there anything positive that can come out of the fact that Africa is loosing most of its well educated and talented people to western countries?
  • Or is every thing just dark and gloomy as we look ahead?
  • Is brain drain really an issue for Africa?
  • Is Africa really what is appears to be- a continent always on the lookout for aide, a continent of desperation, or is it just a product of what the majority of the sons and daughters of the continent have thought?
I think these questions are really worth taking seriously. If not for any reason, it should be because of the universal which causes us to attract that which we focus on most of the time. We should rather be focusing on attracting and retaining capacity, rather than being scared to our pants that the continent is loosing. We should focus on bringing the young generation up to the level of consciousness and awareness where they realize that there are as much opportunities on the continent of Africa as, if not more than, there are in the west. We should explore options that will allow talented young African to see these opportunities.

If the Chinese, Indians, and Americans are increasing their presence on the continent, doesn't that tell us something? Shouldn't we be trying to find out what it is that's attracting them to the continent, and than figure out how we as owners of the land can benefit from it?

To every African out there: As Harsh said to Todd in Brendon Buchard's Life's Golden Ticket,
"Quit being a chickenshit, and be a man" (or woman). Begin to look at what the continent has, and not what it is loosing. See the glass half full rather than half empty. Do it, and I promise you, the issue of brain drain on the continent of Africa, will be an issue of the past.

Here are a few links on the issue of brain drain in Africa:

Catch you next time!

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